Monday, June 9, 2008

A Digital Still Camera Able to Shoot Video That’s Ready for YouTube


Published: February 7, 2008

YouTube is turning up everywhere — even on digital still cameras. Casio’s new 8.1-megapixel Exilim Zoom EX-Z80, like a few other recent cameras, features a YouTube capture mode that shoots movie clips in the site’s recommended format and resolution, and comes with software to upload the videos easily to the Web.

The camera, which sells for about $200, records video in the H.264 standard, which also makes the mini-movies compatible for iPod viewing. As a still camera, the EX-Z80 has a 3X optical zoom and a face-detection feature to help improve the focus and exposure of people in a photo. There is also a self-portrait mode that automatically snaps the picture when your face is fully within the frame.

The Exilim EX-Z80 ( comes in six colors — green, blue, black, silver and two shades of pink — and has a 2.6-inch L.C.D. screen. The camera incorporates image-stabilization technology and comes with a motion-detecting Auto Shutter feature that snaps the picture as soon as the subject settles down and holds still.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

How You Win Photography Contests Online

By David R. Cross

These days, with the advancements in technology, more and more people are buying cameras. It’s very easy to own one because of the improvements in ease of use and maintenance. We don’t have to buy rolls of film just to use a camera. It’s also easier to take great pictures, because we can preview the image that’s going to be taken and if it’s not up to standard, it can be deleted in just a press of a button. No film is wasted, and the photos come out as we want them.

It’s normal practice to bring a camera everyday, especially those that are compact and lightweight. This is so that every important moment is captured and thus, preserved throughout time. With this in mind, more and more people are getting interested in photography and enjoying it. Even non-professional photographers can take very good pictures, and there shouldn’t be any surprise if there are more people who join photography contests, whether it’s for the prize, the recognition, or just for fun.

If you’re one of the many people who enjoy photography, and someday you hope to enter and win a contest, here are some photography contest tips and advice:

  • Follow all the rules of the contest

There is always a different set of rules for every contest, and you should be aware of them first and foremost. Familiarize yourself with them and follow them to the letter. You might not understand why some rules are there, but don’t assume you can just disregard them. They are there for a reason. It’s better to follow the rules rather than have your work returned to you because you did not follow the rules.

  • Research on past entries

Researching on past winning entries will help you learn more about the contest that you want to join and its standards. If you know more about the standards and the judges’ basis for a good photograph, you’ll have a better edge against the other contestants. You also might get inspired from studying the past entries.

  • Study the categories

There are different categories in every contest, and you must consider the requirements of each category before submitting an entry under the category that you’ve chosen. Your photograph should be focused on the category’s topic. Many entries get disqualified for not following the requirements, and it’s sad because the photographer may be talented, but the entry is not even seen by the judges because of a technicality. For example, there are categories that might require your picture to have a few items at the background of the photograph’s main focus. One missing item may hurt your chances in the contest.

  • Consider your work with a critical eye

You might have a photograph that you’re really fond of. You might even consider it as your best, because of its meaning to you. Remember, your contest entry will be judged by many different people who are strangers to you. They don’t know the story and circumstances behind your favorite work, and they don’t care. They are also given a set of guidelines in choosing entries, and each of them has unique standards. If you want a good chance of winning, better submit photographs that are good on all technical factors. For your entry to stand out, your subject should be doing some actions. A subject that is doing something is more noticeable and has more depth compared to a subject that is on a pose.

  • Send only your best work

There are contests that allow multiple entries, and if you plan on submitting more than one entry per category, it’s better to submit just a few of your best work, rather than submit a lot of entries that include a few decent, but lackluster, photographs. This is to protect how the judges think of your best photograph. If you include a few second-rate photographs, chances are the judges’ opinion on those photographs might dampen their opinion on your best entry. Instead of your best photograph standing out, it might get buried under the mediocre ones.

It’s easier now to take pictures, and it’s even easier to prepare for a contest if you only study how. Apply these photography contest tips and advice, and improve your chances of winning a photography contest.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Best Time To Choose A Wide Angle Lens

When is the best time to choose a wide angle lens, and how does one choose the appropriate wide angle lens for a particular shot?

First things first, the best time for a wide angle lens is to be used is when you are planning to take a beautiful shot of a landscape.

Another important aspect of landscape photography is the selection of the appropriate light as well as the perfect location of the landscape shot. As much as possible, and depending on what it is being shot, the selection of the appropriate day to catch that landscape picture perfect landscape view is everything.

Lights, location and action

When the location has finally been chosen for the wide angle lens shot, try to notice the light effects visible on the area that you plan to shoot in over a whole twenty four hour day. This ensures that you know how the lights play over the range of mountain, sand or seas. This also helps you plan just how it is you are to go about taking that shot, when and how.

When you finally know, it is therefore time to be a little bit creative. You may include elements in your picture’s foreground in order to have an additional scale and depth to your pictures. Also, feel free to look around from other points in the area where you think the shot could just as well be taken. This may add a little bit of interest to the final picture. Also consider taking a variety of levels and positions.

Time is always of the essence

Believe it or not, in order to avoid any shadows that may appear harsh on the picture, the best time to shoot is early during the morning as well as late in the golden afternoon.

During this time, take your camera out and set it up using a tripod. Then, take a reading of any area of the shot using a light-meter. Once the appropriate measurements have been taken, adjust the speed of the shutter and the aperture.

After all these, all you need to do is to press the release button and take a beautiful picture.

Make use of natural effects

If there are any natural creations occupying your shot, try to use a backlight or side lighting that provides the leaves, – for example – grass, water or smoke an appearance that these seem to be translucent, almost ethereal.

Pictures of a beautiful sunset are best taken just when the sun has gently touched the horizon and immediately a maximum of five – count them - five short minutes just after the sun has finally set.

It is best that you use or position yourself to a geographically high point.

A filtered polarizer may also be used in order to heighten the sky’s color or tone, thus delivering a picture befitting a postcard.

A wide angle lens helps a lot in increasing the picture’s scope.

Do not forget to relax. This prevents the camera from unnecessarily shaking and helping you focus on the subject more than anything else.

Supply yourself with much needed supplies

Since landscape photos are usually taken far from the city and well into the country, it is best that you pack up a host of equipments that enables you to take pictures even during temporary obstacles. A flashlight always comes in handy, bottled water is another (to keep the photographer replenished and not thirsty), as well as a lot of extra rolls of film. This is one equipment that photographers generally can't do without.

Basically, a wide angle lens has a focal length that measures less than forty millimeters. Be aware as well as be wary that the length of the lens changes how an image is seen.

All in all, determining the best lens to use for a particular shot requires a lot of patience, skill and practice. The art of mastering landscape photography doesn't have to be difficult. And the best lens to use for such kind of photography is a wide-angle lens. Getting that that shot right takes not only skill but the strength, stamina and endurance to get to where the location of the landscape is and the energy – upon reaching that location – to get the job done. And when that moment arrives, the job has only just begun.

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